Wild Alchemy Lab

Cards / ISBN-13: 9780857829412

Price: £14.99

A DECK OF 52 WILD PLANT CARDS with remedies and recipes to soothe and treat the emotional and physical body

BEAUTIFUL BOTANICAL ILLUSTRATIONS by Raxenne Maniquiz will help you to identify the plants, and enable you to channel their energies

ALCHEMY MEETS ASTROLOGY – the ancient practices of alchemy, astrology and wildcrafting combined

USE THE DECK FOR SELF-EXPLORATION with meditation ideas and oracle spreads to help you connect with nature and yourself

LAURENCE KING PUBLISHING has been capturing imaginations and inspiring creativity in new and unexpected ways for over 30 years, with playful and eye-catching games, gifts and books

Wild Alchemy Lab is a beautiful gift for nature lovers intrigued by the mysteries of the universe. Each of the 52 cards in the deck features a wild plant, beautifully illustrated, accompanied by its astrological correspondences. The back of the card features a brief description of the plant, some context from history and mythology, and a recipe for a medicinal or culinary use of the plant. The accompanying booklet gives the history of alchemical practices and offers information about when and where to forage, some tips for preparing the plants and some other ways you can use the cards.