Was essen wir und wie essen wir? Achtsamkeit lohnt sich auch in Bezug auf Essgewohnheiten, Essensentscheidungen und unsere Beziehung zum Essen! Dieses Buch ist die perfekte Kombination aus Anleitung, Inspiration, Reflexion und einfachen, schmackhaften Rezepten, die sich alle wunderbar in einer Schale anrichten lassen.
Erforschen Sie Ihre Beziehung zum Essen, und entdecken Sie den Zusammenhang zwischen einer gesunden Ernährung und einem gesundem Leben. In unserer Nahrung steckt viel Kraft – nutzen Sie sie!
Erforschen Sie Ihre Beziehung zum Essen, und entdecken Sie den Zusammenhang zwischen einer gesunden Ernährung und einem gesundem Leben. In unserer Nahrung steckt viel Kraft – nutzen Sie sie!
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Through this uniquely powerful and beautifully presented book, Mind & Bowl, Joey Hulin gently yet effectively awakens all our senses to the importance of eating and cooking more mindfully. As she so eloquently describes, 'eating can become habitual and unconscious to the extent that we often barely taste the food we eat, let alone really enjoy it.' Through each chapter of this culinary manual and journey, we are encouraged to pay closer attention to our relationship with food, in turn, understanding ourselves and our eating habits better, with a view to develop healthier practices. Not only will you make better choices, but once you have experienced this book's deeper wisdom, you will develop a greater appreciation for every ingredient, every forkful, and every meal!
Mind & Bowl offers a curious and compassionate exploration of mindfulness in general, and mindful eating in particular. Joey shares insight, knowledge and humour alongside a selection of tasty, simple-to-prepare and inviting bowl-based recipes. The first section of my copy is well-thumbed, with much underlined; the second recipe section is smattered with dollops of ingredients from delightful cooking with my children. This is a book you will come back to time and again for its humble words and beautiful recipes