This is Chagall

Hardcover / ISBN-13: 9781780671888

Price: £9.95

ON SALE: 20th October 2014

Genre: Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure

Creating some of the most original imagery of the early twentieth century, Marc Chagall was closely linked to many of the most influential art movements. But he always remained outside, connected but independent, with his own unique artistic vision.

From a poor Russian Jewish family, he struggled not only to break out of a strict religious upbringing, but also to break into a society from which Jews were barred. A survivor of two world wars, he drifted between different European capitals, never really belonging and constantly missing the home and family that had long since been destroyed.

His work throughout his long career is filled with the poignancy and power of memory and loss. His highly personal images are heavy with romance, poetic narratives and vibrant joyous colours. They have an identity both exceptional and unmistakable.